Thursday, April 3, 2008

Haiku: One Breath Poetry

Here are some haiku poems written by a class of fourth graders that I worked with during the winter of 2003. The classroom teacher had shared many haiku in class over the course of three or four weeks before bringing her students to the library for a haiku-writing session with me. In the library, I shared more haiku with the students. We discussed haiku and talked about trying to capture a moment with words. Then we wrote a collaborative class poem after looking at a picture of a a cardinal sitting in a tree in the winter. (I'm sorry that I don't have a copy of the picture to post along with the poem.) After that writing exercise in the library, I followed up with two more writing sessions in the classroom. During those two periods, I worked individually with all the children as they wrote their own haiku.

A Collaborative Class Haiku
by the Students of Ms. Erikson's Fourth Grade (2002-2003)

A cardinal perches

On the snow-covered branch...

A winter cherry!


Drip, drop. Drip, drop. PLOP!!!
The icicles are weeping.
I wonder why they cry.

by Zachary

Floating from the sky,
Perching on branches
Fluffy white birds...snowflakes!

by Paige

Snow falls on distant hills
Covers the world
In a blanket of white powder.

by Seth

Icicles drip, drip
From the roof,
Leaving their fingerprints in the snow.

by Niki


Snow flutters to the ground.
A bear is covered
with a white blanket.

by Sophie


At night in the forest
A wolf howls
Saying goodbye to winter

by Rebecca

Icicles melt.
Water splashes to the ground...
The roof is raining!

by Ben

The mountains clothed
with white robes standing tall in the sun
reaching for the sky

by Alex

Autumn leaves cover the ground.
The first snowflake of winter
Lands on my nose.

by Grace

The silent wind flies
Through the forest. Trees shiver,
Shaking down starry white crystals.

by Brian

Icicles hang from the roof
Sparkling, crystal chandelier
Reflecting the sunlight.

by Emily

Mother Cloud
Covers her baby, Earth,
With a blanket of snow.

by Griffin


Fluffy snowflakes fall
Whirling wind sweeps them
Down the road

by Samir


Snowflakes drifting from the sky,
landing on tree tops...
little white butterflies

by Sean


Snowflakes floating down,
Each one's different...cold stars
Falling from the sky!

by Katie


Snowflakes fall on pine trees
Sparkle on the branches...
Diamonds of ice.

by Daniel

Crawling through the snow
flakes fall on my tongue
melting like magic.

by Dylan

On a snowy hilltop
An icy castle shivers
In the cold

by Isabella

I watch snow falling.
Outside a blue jay perches
On my window sill.

by Ryan

From tree branches icicles hang...
crystal cones glistening
with diamonds of sun

by Charlotte


Monster Paperbag said...

Drip, drop. Drip, drop. PLOP!!!
The icicles are weeping.
I wonder why they cry.

so playful and yet melancholic.. i love it :)..

Elaine Magliaro said...

I enjoyed writing poetry with children. Working with them often inspired me to write too.

Anonymous said...

Wow. These are wonderful. White butterflies, cold, their teacher, and poems themselves showed these kids how to use metaphors masterfully. Thanks for sharing!