Reminder: Award-winning children’s poet, Kristine O’Connell George, and Little Dog invite children to celebrate National Poetry Month and the arrival of Melia and Sasha Obama’s dog Bo in the White House by sharing poetry about their favorite canine friends.
Read about it in the following Wild Rose Reader post:
Help Poet Kristine O'Connell George Welcome "Bo" to the White House with Poetry
You can also go directly to Little Dog Welcomes Bo to the White House! at Kristine O’Connell George’s website to find out more about sharing your own original mask poem in celebration of the new “first dog” coming to the White House.
Help Poet Kristine O'Connell George Welcome "Bo" to the White House with Poetry
You can also go directly to Little Dog Welcomes Bo to the White House! at Kristine O’Connell George’s website to find out more about sharing your own original mask poem in celebration of the new “first dog” coming to the White House.
Here’s a mask poem I wrote from a Yellow Lab’s perspective. I wrote it about my daughter’s dog Jack who had his first birthday on April 13th.
I’m a dog. I’m frisky,
Friendly, snappy.
I like to make
My master happy.
I get his paper,
Lick his face.
I follow Master
Every place.
We take a long walk
Every day.
I never let him
Lose his way.
I sit, roll over,
Do cute tricks—
Beg for biscuits,
Go fetch sticks.
I always bark
To let him know
There’s someone’s at
The door. I show
Him true affection.
I DON'T pretend!
Why, I’m his very
Bestest friend.
Some Pictures of Jack

Aw, Jack's adorable!! Nice mask poem, Elaine :).
My husband and I love Jack. I just wish my daughter and her fiance lived closer so we could see Jack and Rudy more often. They are truly characters!
We take a long walk
Every day.
I never let him
Lose his way.
Great poem, and it sounds just like Jack! I love the part about not allowing his master to lose his way. Our pets really do that for us. The pictures are so cute, especailly the ones with the kitty.
I'm glad you liked the poem. I had a difficult time writing a final stanza. I couldn't find a way to end it.
For now--Jack and Rudy are my only "gandkids." My husband and I so enjoy visiting with my daughter and her fiance and their two pets. Jack and Rudy make for great entertainment.
What a cutie! Lucky Rudy to have such a good dog friend! Oh, yeah. Great poem, too!!!
Mary Lee,
Jack and Rudy really seem to love each other. That is, when Rudy's not teasing and taunting Jack. Actually, there are times when Rudy behaves more like a dog than a cat!
OMG, those pics are just fantastic!! I love the one with Rudy all curled up.
Rudy may look like an angel--but he's quite a little rascal.
I haven't taken any pictures of Rudy and Jack in several weeks. I'm hoping to take some this week when we go up for a visit. I wish my daughter lived closer so I could see my "grandpets" more often.
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