Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Poem a Day #25

My haiku today is for Bruce at Wordswimmer. Bruce served on the Cybils poetry-nominating panel with me. He always had thoughtful and perceptive comments to add to our group’s discussions about the poetry books we were evaluating. Bruce writes a lot about the writing process at his blog.

by Elaine Magliaro

Beetle on a rose
in shining armor…ready
to battle the thorns


Anonymous said...


What an honor--and treat--to find this when I checked your blog this morning. Thank you so much!

It's funny, but sometimes I do feel as if I'm moving at a snail's--well, a beetle's--pace. And revisions often do feel like battles against thorns...

But in the end, as you so deftly point out, there is the vision of the rose to make the battle worthwhile.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Cool imagery!

BlueRectangle Books