Friday, April 11, 2014

Things to Do If You Are a Mole: An Original List Poem


I had hoped to post earlier today—but I’ve been having problems connecting to the Internet. It can be very frustrating when one spends as much time as I do at the computer most days.

For this second Friday of National Poetry Month, I have a “things to do” list poem for you.


Make your home

in the damp darkness


unknowing of snow

and stars

and summer breezes.

Live among roots

and rocks

and sleeping cicadas.

Excavate tunnels

in the moist brown earth.

Listen for the soft music

of seeds sprouting,

worms wiggling,

rain pattering on your grassy roof.

Spend your days in a world

of unending night.


Here are links to other poems that I’ve posted to celebrate National Poetry Month:


Michelle has the Poetry Friday Roundup at Today’s Little Ditty.



Michelle Heidenrich Barnes said...

I never thought a mole's world could sound so appealing! I'm glad you got your Internet working today, Elaine, and that I didn't miss out on this post.

Mary Lee said...

This poetry form helped me to write one of my favorite poems of all time for the March Madness tournament the first year! You inspire me!

GatheringBooks said...

Love that bit about unending night. Michelle is right, you make it sound so appealing!