I’m gearing up for National Poetry Month with a post of poetry resources for teachers, homeschoolers, and poetry lovers here at Wild Rose Reader.
I’m celebrating the female gender with Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman at Blue Rose Girls.
Tricia’s thinking Spring at The Miss Rumphius Effect with two of her favorite seasonal poems: Spring by Gerard Manley Hopkins and The Enkindled Spring by D. H. Lawrence.
Stacey has a poem about Purim at Two Writing Teachers.
Suzanne is sharing Ezra Pound’s Goodly Fere as her Good Friday Offering at Adventures in Daily Living.
Poet Cloudscome participated in Tricia’s Monday Poetry Stretch this week. She has a lovely photograph and an original terza rima poem about daffodils at A Wrung Sponge.
Jama Rattigan joins the roundup with two poems about writing poetry by John Brehm and Lloyd Schwartz.
Cheryl Rainfield has a touching original poem for us about the gifts books give us.
Sarah is celebrating spring today with Christina Rossetti’s poem Quiet Spring at In Need of Chocolate.
Writer2b has a special post for Good Friday with a painting by Jean-Leon Gerome and a poem and a passage by Wendell Berry.
Sara join the Poetry Fiday posters with Gerard Manley Hopkins’ sonnet Carrion Comfort at Read Write Believe.
At the Book Mine Set, John Mutford has a review of Polar Bear, Arctic Hare, a children’s poetry book that was written by Eileen Spinelli and illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes.
Ruth also turns her thoughts to Good Friday with George Herbert’s poem Death at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town.
At Poetry for Children, Dr. Sylvia Vardell has a post about poetry and science, which is also featured in her March Book Links article.
Betsy Bird, of A Fuse #8 Production, has a round-up of three great children’s poets that recently visited the NYPL. Lucky lady!!!
Laura Salas, one of the kidlitosphere’s poetry mavens, is in with 15 Words or Less poems and two poems by the talented—and prolific—J. Patrick Lewis.
Michele, at a Scholar’s Blog, has joined the roundup with “a little” Howard Nemerov…and a brief rant!
Sam Riddleburger has some Librarian Poems that he claims are short and nasty. What do you think?
MsMac has posted poems from her collaborative unit on weather. Do check out these poems written by second graders at Check It Out!
Poet Cloudscome participated in Tricia’s Monday Poetry Stretch this week. She has a lovely photograph and an original terza rima poem about daffodils at A Wrung Sponge.
Jama Rattigan joins the roundup with two poems about writing poetry by John Brehm and Lloyd Schwartz.
Cheryl Rainfield has a touching original poem for us about the gifts books give us.
Sarah is celebrating spring today with Christina Rossetti’s poem Quiet Spring at In Need of Chocolate.
Writer2b has a special post for Good Friday with a painting by Jean-Leon Gerome and a poem and a passage by Wendell Berry.
Sara join the Poetry Fiday posters with Gerard Manley Hopkins’ sonnet Carrion Comfort at Read Write Believe.
At the Book Mine Set, John Mutford has a review of Polar Bear, Arctic Hare, a children’s poetry book that was written by Eileen Spinelli and illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes.
Ruth also turns her thoughts to Good Friday with George Herbert’s poem Death at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town.
At Poetry for Children, Dr. Sylvia Vardell has a post about poetry and science, which is also featured in her March Book Links article.
Betsy Bird, of A Fuse #8 Production, has a round-up of three great children’s poets that recently visited the NYPL. Lucky lady!!!
Laura Salas, one of the kidlitosphere’s poetry mavens, is in with 15 Words or Less poems and two poems by the talented—and prolific—J. Patrick Lewis.
Michele, at a Scholar’s Blog, has joined the roundup with “a little” Howard Nemerov…and a brief rant!
Sam Riddleburger has some Librarian Poems that he claims are short and nasty. What do you think?
MsMac has posted poems from her collaborative unit on weather. Do check out these poems written by second graders at Check It Out!
(Sorry for the delay. I had trouble with my Internet connection for some time today. The man from Comcast was working here. Add to that—the Roto-Rooter man was also here and had a devil of a time unclogging my kitchen drain. I’ve fallen behind not only with my Poetry Friday blogging—but also with all the cooking and baking I have to do for Easter.)
MmeT has a poem about peonies and rekindled love at Destined to Become a Classic.
Teacher Terrific Mary Lee decided to “sleep in” on this first day of her spring break. Her choice for this Poetry Friday is a celebration of spring at A Year of Reading—The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth.
At Kid Lit(erary), Laurel has poetry by Tomaz Salamun…a Slovenian poet that she loves, loves, loves!
Eisha’s doing the “poetry thing” this week at 7-Imp. Here’s the title of her post: Confluences come when they will…or how to get from Lucinda Williams to the Siege of Leningrad in a single post.
Marianne Nielsen has a poem by Ellen Obed Bryan from her book Wind in My Pocket.
Tadmack’s in today with—what she calls—a dubious Spring poem by Christina Rossetti at Finding Wonderland.
Alkelda the Gleeful, a resident of the Pacific Standard Time Zone, has a hymn for Good Friday called I Bind My Heart This Tide, by Laughlan M. Watt, at Saints and Spinners.
At Becky’s Book Reviews, Becky has a poem entitled On Stage from Karen Hesse’s book Out of the Dust.
And at Little Acorns Treehouse, Jenny has Francis Scott Key’s Defence of Fort McHenry (The Stars and Stripes Forever).
Little Willow’s got a poem for us entitled Entrance by Dana Gioia at Slayground.
Liz Scanlon’s up with a poem by Kaylin Haught about saying YES!!! at Liz in Ink.
Kelly Fineman has poems for the Easter season at Writing and Ruminating.
(Sorry for the delay. I had trouble with my Internet connection for some time today. The man from Comcast was working here. Add to that—the Roto-Rooter man was also here and had a devil of a time unclogging my kitchen drain. I’ve fallen behind not only with my Poetry Friday blogging—but also with all the cooking and baking I have to do for Easter.)
MmeT has a poem about peonies and rekindled love at Destined to Become a Classic.
Teacher Terrific Mary Lee decided to “sleep in” on this first day of her spring break. Her choice for this Poetry Friday is a celebration of spring at A Year of Reading—The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth.
At Kid Lit(erary), Laurel has poetry by Tomaz Salamun…a Slovenian poet that she loves, loves, loves!
Eisha’s doing the “poetry thing” this week at 7-Imp. Here’s the title of her post: Confluences come when they will…or how to get from Lucinda Williams to the Siege of Leningrad in a single post.
Marianne Nielsen has a poem by Ellen Obed Bryan from her book Wind in My Pocket.
Tadmack’s in today with—what she calls—a dubious Spring poem by Christina Rossetti at Finding Wonderland.
Alkelda the Gleeful, a resident of the Pacific Standard Time Zone, has a hymn for Good Friday called I Bind My Heart This Tide, by Laughlan M. Watt, at Saints and Spinners.
At Becky’s Book Reviews, Becky has a poem entitled On Stage from Karen Hesse’s book Out of the Dust.
And at Little Acorns Treehouse, Jenny has Francis Scott Key’s Defence of Fort McHenry (The Stars and Stripes Forever).
Little Willow’s got a poem for us entitled Entrance by Dana Gioia at Slayground.
Liz Scanlon’s up with a poem by Kaylin Haught about saying YES!!! at Liz in Ink.
Kelly Fineman has poems for the Easter season at Writing and Ruminating.
The other Kelly—of Big A, little a fame—has Maya Angelou’s California Prodigal for her “California edition” of Poetry Friday.
Tiel Aisha Asari of Knocking from Inside has a seasonally appropriate selection, Spring Hat, which she wrote for Tricia’s Monday Poetry Stretch this week.
Today, at Literary Safari, Sandhya Nankani is featuring Corona, Queens, which was written by Bushra Rehman.
There’s a poem about adoption by Fleur Conkling Heyliger at A Little of This, A Little of That.
Tiel Aisha Asari of Knocking from Inside has a seasonally appropriate selection, Spring Hat, which she wrote for Tricia’s Monday Poetry Stretch this week.
Today, at Literary Safari, Sandhya Nankani is featuring Corona, Queens, which was written by Bushra Rehman.
There’s a poem about adoption by Fleur Conkling Heyliger at A Little of This, A Little of That.
(NOTE: The kitchen drain has cleared...much of the liquid that leaked from the kitchen onto the basement floor is now being sopped up with old towels and newspapers. My lower level has the aroma of aging bouillabaisse.)
MotherReader thinks she’s in the “Lazy-ass edition” of the Poetry Friday Roundup. Not so, not so! She’s got a tasty tidbit for an afternoon nibble with her Mother Goose book rhyme and review.
A. Fortis is in the roundup, too, at Finding Wonderland with a poem by Gillian Wegener entitled Point of Departure.
Anastasia Suen joins the poetry posters with information about an illustrated version of William Wordsworth’s poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud at Picture Book of the Day.
At Charlotte’s Library, Charlotte’s got a review of Imaginary Menagerie: A Book of Curious Creatures, a collection of poems written by Julie Larios and illustrated by Julie Paschkis. Julie and Julie are the creators of the highly acclaimed Yellow Elephant. This second collaboration is a winner, too!
Woohoo! I'm so glad I'm still up. This week I posted two of my favorite poems about spring. One is by Gerard Manley Hopkins and the other by D.H. Lawrence.
Thanks for hosting, Elaine. Have a great weekend.
Hi Elaine. Thanks for hosting. I have a poem about Purim.
I'm sharing Ezra Pound's
Goodly Fere as my Good Friday offering.
I've got an original terza rima poem about daffodils at A Wrung Sponge. Thanks for doing the round up. It's going to be a great poetry month coming up!
Your poetry resources list is phenomenal, Elaine!
Today I have two poems about writing poetry, by John Brehm and Lloyd Schwartz: http://jamarattigan.livejournal.com/88657.html.
Thanks for hosting and Happy Easter!
Thanks for hosting! I wrote a short poem about gifts books give me.
Thanks for hosting. I'm celebrating spring with a poem by Christina Rossetti. http://inneedofchocolate.wordpress.com/2008/03/21/poetry-friday-spring-quiet-by-christina-rossetti/
Hi there, I posted a Wendell Berry poem as part of my Good Friday post:
Thank you for hosting today.
Hello, Elaine! I'm in with Gerard Manley Hopkins today, and his sonnet, Carrion Comfort, which was featured in the Poet's Choice column of the Washington Post by their new poetry steward, Mary Karr. The link is here.
Thanks for hosting Elaine. I'm in with a review of Eileen Spinelli and Eugenie Fernandes' Polar Bear, Arctic Hare. http://bookmineset.blogspot.com/2008/03/poetry-friday-readers-diary-337-eileen.html
I've got some George Herbert today. He seems a very Good Friday sort of poet.
Elaine, thanks for hosting again and pulling together these excellent resources. My post is about poetry and science (also featured in my March BOOK LINKS article).
I've a round-up of three great children's poets that recently visited NYPL at http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1790000379/post/270023627.html.
Elaine, thanks for hosting! You're mentioned in my Poetry Friday post (which I wrote the bulk of before realizing you were the rounder-upper today!).
I'm in with 15 Words or Less poems (come add your own) at
And two unpublished (I think) poems from J. Patrick Lewis himself at
I'm in (finally!) with a little Howard Nemerov and a brief rant !
This week I've got Librarian Poems -- short and nasty! (The poems are short and nasty, not the librarians.)
Poems from my collaboration unit on weather. Thank you for hosting.
I have a poem about peonies and rekindled love at Destined to Become a classic.
Thanks for hosting.
Good morning! I'm later than usual because (ahhhh) I slept in on the first day of spring break!
Not surprisingly, my choice is in celebration of spring break:
Thanks for rounding up!
Eisha took my Poetry Friday turn this week as a favor for me, bless her, and her entry is here: http://blaine.org/sevenimpossiblethings/?p=1185
I'm in at http://kidliterary.blogspot.com with a few poems by the Slovenian poet Tomaz Salamun.
Elaine, thanks for doing roundup. I have posted a poem from Wind in my Pocket by Ellen Bryan Obed at
Hi Elaine, thanks for hosting. I'm in with a dubious Spring poem by Christina Rossetti.
As someone on PST time, by the time I get up "early", the postings are already in the double digits! I'm in this week with a hymn appropriate for Good Friday, called "I Bind My Heart This Tide," by Laughlan M. Watt.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! I'm in this week with a poem from Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse. "On Stage."
Hi Elaine-I realized that as we did our poetry through the states study,I missed the state of Maryland so this week I went back and caught up with the poem Francis Scott key wrote about the attack on Fort McHenry in Maryland during the War of 1812. It is the poem that became our national anthem.
My link is at http://littleacornscds.blogspot.com/2008/03/poetry-art-maryland-and-defence-of-fort.html .
Entrance by Dana Gioia
Hi Elaine! Thanks for hosting...
I'm up with a poem by Kaylin Haught about saying YES!!
I'm in with poems for the Easter season: http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com/288848.html
Hi Elaine: Thanks for hosting!! I'm in with some California spring:
Here's one that's seasonal:
Spring Hat
Hi there - I've been featuring South Asian women poets all month long, and this week, I it's Bushra Rehman with Corona, Queens, an an "epic NY poem" which goes really well with Crossing the Blvd, a multimedia exhibit about immigrants in Queens.
Thanks for hosting!
I think I'm in the Lazy-ass edition, but here is my Mother Goose book rhyme and review.
Back on Finding Wonderland, I'm in, too, this week for the first time! My contribution's a poem by a local (to me) poet, Gillian Wegener.
I'm in with I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.
Hi Elaine,
I have a review of Imaginary Menagerie, a Book of Curious Creatures, by Julie Larios, illustrated by Julie Paschkis.
Here's my contribution!
Happy P Day!
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