Here are two of my original acrostic poems about summer—both acrostics begin with the letter C.
Claw-handed critter
Races sideways, skitters
Across the sea-washed land…
Beachcombing in the sand.
Chirping in the dark, their song
In the still air. A
Chorus of summer night strummers in concert with
Entertaining warm evenings with
Symphony of wings.
For more summer acrostics, get a copy of Stephen Schnur’s Summer: An Alphabet Acrostic. The book is beautifully illustrated with hand-colored linoleum block prints by Leslie Evans. Art and text make a perfect pair in this poetry book that would be great to share with a child/children on a hot summer day--or a warm summer evening.

Summer: An Alphabet Acrostic
Written by Steven Schnur
Illustrated by Leslie Evans
Clarion, 2001
Here is Schnur’s acrostic poem for the letter C:
Close by
A glittering
Blue lake, high
In the mountains,
Nestles a fishing lodge.
Other acrostics in this collection include the following: awning, beach, daisy, hike, idle, mosquitos, picnic, tide, vegetables, and zodiac.
Click here to view some of the book’s interior pages.
At Political Verses, I have a poem about the resignation speech of Alaska’s Governor entitled Sarah Palin’s Swan/Duck/Goose Song.
At Blue Rose Girls, I have a poem entitled Anniversary by Cecilia Woloch.
Jama Rattigan has the Poetry Friday Roundup this week.
"C" stands for cool. Love your acrostics, Elaine. The "symphony of wings" is magical! And Schnur's book looks right up my alley. Alphabets!
Thanks, Jama! have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks, Elaine. I enjoyed those. And I love Leslie's art. Will have to look for that title.
Looks like a lovely book! And those block print illustrations are GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing.
This is wonderful. I like it a lot.
For me C stands for Cute - charismatic and cool!
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