Friday, March 11, 2011

An Original End-of-Winter Poem

It certainly doesn’t feel like spring is nearly here. Today, it’s gray and damp and cold around these parts. Still, I hold out hope the season will arrive before the end of April!!!
Here’s an end-of-winter poem that I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I don’t have a title for it yet.

Frozen earth thaws,
Pond ice recedes,
Icicles weep,
Snowmen bleed
As mountain brooks begin to sing.
Winter’s melting into spring!

The Poetry Friday Roundup is at Liz in Ink.

At Blue Rose Girls, I have an original cinquain.


jama said...

Sending warming thoughts and virtual crocuses your way, Elaine!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Those images are filled with joy for me. We have a somewhat blustery but sunny day - perfect spring weather. Thanks for sharing your poem!

Mary Lee said...

Still waiting for the "thaw, recede, weep, and bleed" here!