Wednesday, April 7, 2010

DANDELION: An Original Poem

I thought I'd stay with the flower theme--and the color yellow. I've already posted poems about daffodils, the daisy, and forsythias. Yesterday, when I went outside with my camera to take photographs of flowers that might provide me with inspiration for writing poems, I found one lonely dandelion growing near my Rose of Sharon bush. Here's one of the pictures I took of it:

And here is an early draft of the poem I wrote about that dandelion:


A feathered sun
growing in a sky of green,
its spiky corona radiating gold—
one bright star
lighting up our lawn


  1. Another great poem, Elaine! Brava! I was out wakling one evening and took the time to pick and blow the seed off a dandelion parachute ball. Dandelions may be weeds, but they sure let us know that spring is here and it's time to mow the yard! :)

  2. Love this. "One bright star..." As city dwellers sans yard, we have come to a newfound appreciation of dandelions and their beauty! I practically cheer when the first ones push their heads up through the sidewalk cracks.
