Jules coordinated the efforts of dozens of bloggers who will be posting features about the picture book illustrators who created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007. She also organized the master schedule for our postings. In addition, I would like to thank Tricia Stohr-Hunt of The Miss Rumphius Effect and Jen Robinson of Jen Robinson’s Book Page for providing participating bloggers with weekly schedules to post at our blogs.
NOTE: I have linked to the blogs that will be posting features about the Robert’s Snow artists this week—not to the specific posts. Jules and Eisha of 7-Imp have created a special page that includes a list with links to all the Blogging for a Cure posts. Their list is updated every day.
Monday, November 5
Anna Alter at The Longstockings
Laura Huliska Beith at Just One More Book!!
Cece Bell at Jo's Journal
Denise Ortakales at cynthialord’s Journal
Tuesday, November 6
Carol Heyer at The Shady Glade
Joe Kulka at ChatRabbit
Steven James Petruccio at Blog From the Windowsill
Carol Schwartz at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
Wednesday, November 7
Jeff Ebbeler at Sam Riddleburger's blog
Scott Magoon at Just One More Book!!
Connie McLennan at The Shady Glade
Julie Paschkis at the excelsior file
Thursday, November 8
Genevieve Cote at a wrung sponge
Linda Graves at Your Neighborhood Librarian
James Gurney at Charlotte's Library
Matt Tavares at Please Come Flying
Friday, November 9
Susan Kathleen Hartung at Wild Rose Reader
Mary Peterson at Brooklyn Arden
Annette Simon at Check It Out and Deo Writer
Melanie Watt at Whimsy Books
Saturday, November 10
R.W. Alley at at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
Jeannie Brett at cynthialord’s Journal
Daniel Mahoney at Paradise Found and Great Solutions to Team Challenges
Amy Young at Kate's Book Blog
Sunday, November 11
Tim Coffey at The Silver Lining
Elizabeth Dulemba at sruble's world
Chris Gall at Through the Studio Door
Amy Schimler at Please Come Flying
These are the Robert’s Snow artists who have already been featured at Wild Rose Reader.
October 16: Scott Bakal
October 29: Alissa Imre Geis
November 3: Wendell Minor
These are Robert’s Snow artists who will be featured here in the future.
November 15: Mary Newell DePalma
November 18: Wade Zahares
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