Friday, December 12, 2008

The Poetry Friday Roundup Is Here!

I'm doing the Poetry Friday Roundup this week. Please leave the URL of your poetry post in the comments. I'll be adding poetry links throughout the day.
The Wee Hours of the Morning Edition


The Breakfast Edition

  • Michele at Scholar’s Blog has a wintry poem for us—A December Day by Robert Fuller Murray.
  • John Mutford of the Book Mine Set has a review of Beatitudes by Herménégilde Chiasson and translated by Jo-Anne Elder. In addition, he uses his style to attempt a short Christmas poem.
  • Gotta minute? Then get thee on over to GottaBook. Gregory K. says he’s up with an original for the season: Why I Love the Holidays in My Family.
  • Jill Corcoran’s post celebrates children's poets and the series that brings these poets to life, SPEAKING OF POETS.
  • Cloudscome brings us an original poem by J. Patrick Lewis celebrating National Chocolate Covered Anything Day: Chocolate Covered Ants.
  • Over at A Year of Reading, Mary Lee has a purr-fect poem for feline fanciers in honor of her cat: John Ciardi’s Why Nobody Pets the Lion at the Zoo.
  • Julie Larios says she burnt herself out on the Poetry Stretch clerihews and Emily Dickinson this week, so she’s letting John Keats speak for her over at The Drift Record.
  • Laura at AuthorAmok has an original poem and a writing exercise, "Poetry Rocks!" She says it was inspired by a third grader's enthusiastic doodle.
  • Sara Lewis Holmes is in today with a post about creatively altered old books, a BBC modernization of Much Ado About Nothing, and Shakespeare's unchanging sonnet 116: "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds."
  • At Across the Page, Janet is sharing something special today—her 7-year-old's first poem: "Two Little Snowflakes."
  • Stacey of Two Writing Teachers says she has a very rough original poem about her desk, which she FINALLY cleaned off this morning! Check out her post Poetry Friday & Photo Fridays Collide!
  • And Andrea of Just One More Book!! Podcast is in with a chat about a fabulous rhyming story of sibling dynamics: When I Was King.
  • At the Miss Rumphius Effect, Tricia joins the poetry posters today with a poem entitled Sorley's Weather.
  • What will you find bubbling in Jama Rattigan’s Alphabet Soup today? Why, "The Twelve Thank-you Notes of Christmas"—that’s what!
  • This week Carol reviewed EVERY HUMAN HAS RIGHT. She says it’s a remarkable new book of poetry written by children, illustrated with National Geographic photographs from around the world. She thinks it’s a book every adult who cares about kids needs to know.
  • Over at Shelf Elf, there are some cute gift ideas for poets—poetry-inspired pins!
  • Lisa Chellman’s contribution this week is "Fearing Paris," by Marsha Truman Cooper.
  • Linda Kulp has a tribute to Lee Bennett Hopkins at her blog Write Time.
  • Like me—poet Laura Salas is into Acrostics today, too! She also has her 15 Words or Less Poems for December 12, 2008.


The Brunch Bunch

  • Kelly Polark presents an original Christmas cinquain entitled Tree Topper this Poetry Friday.
  • Douglas Florian penned an original poem for Poetry Friday. He claims his meter reader was getting on his nerves. Fortunately, that annoyance inspired a well-metered verse entitled The Meter Reader.
  • Sally Ito joins in posting on Poetry Friday for the first time at the PaperTigers blog. She’s in with Poetry and the Spiritual: The Work of Tomihiro Hoshino.
  • Jennifer Knoblock has some Christopher Marlowe at Ink for Lit.
  • The proud MotherReader has an original poem written by her wise seventh-grader titled The Third Level.
  • Ruth is in with a poem entitled Schoolsville, which was written by Billy Collins—one of my favorite poets.
  • Jules at 7-Imp contributes to Poetry Friday with a poem by Rilke entitled To Music.
  • Karen Edmisten shares some Billy Collins, too. She's in with his poem entitled Her.


The Literary Lunch Crowd


The Early Evening Edition


Late Edition


david elzey said...

This week I'm celebrating the Dutch tradition of giving poems with gifts for Sinterklassavond.

Thanks for hosting, Elaine!

Michele said...

I'm in with a wintry poem. Thanks for rounding up!

John Mutford said...

I'm in with a review of Beatitudes by Herménégilde Chiasson and translated by Jo-Anne Elder. Plus I use his style to attempt a short Christmas poem.

Thanks for hosting.

Greg Pincus said...

I'm up with an original for the season:

Why I Love the Holidays in My Family

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting Elaine.

My post celebrates children's poets and the series that brings these poets to life, SPEAKING OF POETS

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I have an original from J. Patrick Lewis celebrating National Chocolate Covered Anything Day: Chocolate Covered Ants. Thanks for hosting!

Mary Lee said...

Good morning, Elaine! I have a poem in honor of my cat:

Julie said...

HI, Elaine - I burnt myself out on the Poetry Stretch clerihews and Emily Dickinson this week, so I'm letting John Keats speak for me over at The Drift Record
Thanks for hosting!

Author Amok said...

Thanks for hosting, Elaine.

I have an original poem and a writing exercise, "Poetry Rocks!" It's inspired by a third grader's enthusiastic doodle.

Sara said...

Hi Elaine! I'm in today with a post about creatively altered old books, a BBC moderization of Much Ado About Nothing, and Shakespeare's unchanging sonnet 116: "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds."

Anonymous said...

I'm sharing something special today -- my 7-year-old's first poem: "Two Little Snowflakes." It's here:

Thank you for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Elaine,

A very rough original poem about my desk, which I FINALLY cleaned off this morning!

Thanks for hosting,

Andrea -- Just One More Book!! Podcast said...

Thanks for rounding us up!

We're in with a chat about a fabulous rhyming story of sibling dynamics: When I Was King.

Tricia said...

Morning Elaine!

I'm in today with a poem entitled Sorley's Weather.

Have a great weekend and thanks for letting us crash at your place this week!

jama said...

My dear Elaine,
Today I'm sharing "The Twelve Thank-you Notes of Christmas": Thank you ever so much for hosting :)!

Your constant admirer,

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

Thanks for hosting!

This week I reviewed EVERY HUMAN HAS RIGHTS, a remarkable new book of poetry written by children, illustrated with National Geographic photographs from around the world. This is a book every adult who cares about kids needs to know!

Shelf Elf said...

No actual poem today... but cute poetry-inspired pins. Cute gift ideas for poets.


Shelf Elf

Shelf Elf said...


Guess it would help if I gave you the link! Sorry!


Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I loved your clerihews! My contribution this week is "Fearing Paris," by Marsha Truman Cooper. Thanks for hosting!

Linda said...

Hi Elaine, thanks for the holiday acrostics. I'm going to share them with my eighth grades, if that's okay.
I have a tribute to Lee Bennett Hopkins at

Have a great weekend!

laurasalas said...

Hi Elaine, Thank you for hosting! I'm in with a post on acrostics ( and the 15 Words or Less roundup (

Kelly Polark said...

Thanks for hosting! I have an original holiday cinquain today.
My site is

Douglas Florian said...

Hi Elaine,
I've penned an original poem for today. My meter reader is getting on my nerves.

Anonymous said...

For Poetry Friday, I'm in with Poetry and the Spiritual: The Work of Tomihiro Hoshino. The url:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting! I have Christopher Marlowe at Ink for Lit.

MotherReader said...

Greetings! I have an original poem from my wise seventh-grader titled The Third Level:

Ruth said...

Here's mine for today:

Jules at 7-Imp said...

I'm in with Rilke today:

Karen Edmisten said...

Thanks for hosting, Elaine! I'm in this week with Billy Collins, here

Tiel Aisha Ansari said...

Here's a seasonal original: A Box Full of Stars

Anonymous said...

Mine is here; The Dreidel Song, for Hanukkah.

Lorie Ann Grover said...

Thank you Wild Rose Reader!

Our readertotz post is The North Wind Doth Blow. Brrrr.

Lorie Ann Grover said...

And I'm in with Winter Night with an appearance of Christmas deer.

Thanks again, Wild Rose Reader!

Anonymous said...

I'm in:

Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

I'm in with my picture book poem, Red Light, Green Light (which I'm giving away for the 11th Day of Christmas.

Myth said...

Hi! another acrostic in a Franken-sonnet over at Brand New Ending. Thanks!

Jone said...

Mine is here. Soemthing is weird about the post format.

tanita✿davis said...

Hi Elaine, thanks for hosting us today. I'm in with a Meg Kearney poem called "Creed."

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting, Elaine, and Merry Christmas!

I'm in, for lunch I think (it's not quite 11 here), with a few Christmas poems from one of our favorite children's holiday anthologies,

Brianna Caplan Sayres said...

I included links to my poem, "The Dreidel's Dance" and Eileen Spinelli's poem, "The Christmas Story" which both appear in this month's Highlights at

Thanks so much for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting. I'm in with Douglas Florian's Comets, Stars, the Moon and Mars.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the round-up, cowpoke! I guess I'd fall under the Evening Vespers section. I'm in with Charles Bukowski's admonition against being boring:

Anonymous said...

And in the "better late than never" category:

Anamaria (bookstogether) said...

Thanks for hosting, Elaine! I've just posted about family favorite Father Fox's Christmas Rhymes.

Anamaria (bookstogether) said...

Oops, I forgot the link:
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...



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