I’m an incoming member of the NCTE Poetry Committee. I didn’t want to announce it until it was official.
Click here to find out who the other incoming members are.
This is our charge: To recommend on a regular basis every two years a living American poet to the NCTE Executive Committee for the NCTE Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children in recognition of his or her aggregate work; to sustain the collection of poetry books of award winners, past and future, in the University of Minnesota, Kerlan Collection; to recognize and foster excellence in children's poetry by encouraging its publication; and to explore ways to acquaint teachers and children with poetry through such means as publications, programs, and displays.
More NCTE Poetry Award Information
- NCTE Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children
- 2009 NCTE Poetry Award Winner
- 2009 NCTE Convention Session A.18: Poetry Party! Celebrating 2009 NCTE Poetry Award Recipient Lee Bennett Hopkins
I'll be heading down to Philadelphia for the NCTE Convention next week. Let me know if you're planning to attend the convention. Leave me a note in the comments.
Very nice, Elaine! Congratulations.
Thanks, Susan. I'm looking forward to serving on the committee.
Congratulations! This should be very exciting work. I hope you will share the behind-the-scenes work whenever it's appropriate/allowed!
Thanks. I'm sure I'll learn a lot more about all the wonderful children's poetry books being published.
Congratulations, Elaine! How exciting.
Thanks, Sara. I'm also looking forward to serving as a Round II Judge on the Cybils Poetry Panel with you.
Congratulations, Elaine! Lucky them to have you on their committee! Lucky you to get to go to NCTE. I wanted to go, but with being our only income, I just couldn't afford it this year. Maybe next year.
Enjoy yourself and report back all the wonderful details. : )
Thanks for your kind words. I'm sure to have a grand time in Philly meeting and talking with other individuals who love children's poetry as much as I do.
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