I'm doing the roundup this week. Please leave a note and the URL of your poetry post in the comments.
NOTE: I'll be out for some time today at the wake of a relative. I will continue adding links throughout the day.
Early Bird Edition
At Wild Rose Reader, I have reviews of a Valentine Hearts: Holiday Poetry and a picture book in verse entitled The Ballad of Valentine.
At Blue Rose Girls, I have a poem by the late John Updike entitled Burning Trash.
Julie Larios has a poem entitled Design by Billy Collins, one of my favorite poets, over at The Drift Record.
At Janet joins us with some children’s poetry about astronomy in her post Twinkle On at her blog Across the Page.
Cloudscome has a post featuring the great Langston Hughes at A Wrung Sponge—just perfect for Black History Month.
You can count on Tanita S. Davis for some oldies but goodies—some traditional “Counting Out” Rhymes—on Poetry Friday.
Like me, Sara Lewis Holmes is getting a head start on Valentine’s Day with A Love Song by William Carlos Williams at Read Write Believe.
Monica Edinger has a post about the talented Ashley Bryan, recipient of the 2009 Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, at Educating Alice.
Laura Salas presents the poem Jaguar by Francisco X. Alarcon—and all the Fifteen Words or Less poems of the week.
Lisa Chellman of Under the Covers decided to take up a couple of poetry challenges this week. She gives us the results in her Poetry Friday post Promptalicious.
Jet informs me that she’ll be featuring poems of love and lust every Friday for the month of February at The Incredible Thinking Woman.
Laura Shovan says she’s got her hand in the candy jar with Rita Dove's Chocolate today at Author Amok.
At Mommy’s Favorite Children’s Books, Karen shares Robert Frost’s Nothing Gold Can Stay.
Head on over to Shelf Elf for Famous, a poem by the great Naomi Shihab Nye.
Tricia’s sharing Paul Laurence Dunbar’s Spring Song with us at The Miss Rumphius Effect. I don’t know what the weather’s like in Virginia—but our poor old Massachusetts groundhog won’t be coming up for fresh spring air for a loooong time!
Diane of The Write Sisters reviews the book Wabi Sabi, one of my favorite picture books of 2008, and shares an original haiku.
Kurious Kity is exploring poetry about Abraham Lincoln today.
Our blogging epicurean, Jama Rattigan is sharing Say I Am You, by Rumi, with us today.
Sarah N. has Thomas Merton’s Zero Weather for us at In Need of Chocolate.
Do check out Linda Kulp’s lovely original poem Singing Lessons at Write Time.
This week's poem on the Stenhouse Blog is an original by Lucy Tobin: English Lessons with a Tibetan Refugee Ex-Monk.
At Black-Eyed Susan, you’ll find a poem by Nikki Giovanni entitled Quilts.
Jennifer Knoblock joins us poetry posters with a Scrabblepoem at Ink for Lit.
Lorie Ann Grover shares Garden, an original poem written by her daughter for the collection they are writing for a resort in Cancun. She’s also got her original poem Playful at Readertotz.
At Check It Out, Jone has posted some of her students’ poems.
John Mutford says he’s in with a poem by Italian-Canadian poet, Domenico Capilongo at The Book Mine Set.
Sylvia Vardell has posted a list of more children's poetry to come in 09 and a poem-slide show on what's poetry at Poetry for Children.
More Friday Morning Poetry Posts
Our fellow blogger and popular children’s poet Douglas Florian gives us another sneak peek at his soon-to-be-published poetry collection about prehistoric animals entitled Dinothesaurus. Today he presents a poem about Pterrifying Pterosaurs at the Florian Café. (P.S. The poem’s pterrific!)
Barbara H. of Stray Thoughts has two winter poems today, The Snow Folks by an unknown author and The Winter Evening by William Copwer.
Susan Thomsen joins us in the roundup with a link to John Updike's Saying Goodbye to Very Young Children at Chicken Spaghetti.
Today, at A Habit of Reading, Fiddler gives us a poem about music. This poem is by Elizabeth Bishop, a 20th Century, New England-born writer.
Karen Edmisten is in with a poem by e. e. cummings entitled i carry your heart with me.
Nandini was up half the night with a sick child. Inspired by the experience, she presents, for our Poetry Friday reading pleasure an original poem entitled Sick Kid at Notes from New England.
At Page after Page, Kim has a lovely little poem by Sara Teasdale and a Vincent van Gogh painting.
Tracie Zimmer has an untitled poem by Izumi Shikibu from THE INK DARK MOON.
Little Willow has posted The Picture-Show over at Bildungsroman.
Yat-Yee Chong contributes to the Poetry Friday Roundup this week with Adding it Up by Phillip Booth.
The Literary Lunch Bunch
At Knocking from the Inside, Tiel Aisha Ansari gives us an original AI Sonnet that she wrote without(?) the help of computers or anything else. Honest!
Head on over to Scrub-a-Dub-Tub for a review of Kenn Nesbitt’s book My Hippo Has the Hiccups and Other Poems I Totally Made Up.
Annie says that she’s been thinking a lot about possibilities this week and that brought Emily Dickinson to mind. Check out her Poetry Friday post at Crazy for Kids Books.
Over at A Patchwork of Books, Amanda is featuring the book The Negro Speaks of Rivers, with a poem by Langston Hughes.
Becky has a review of Jazz ABZ by Wynton Marsalis at Becky’s Book Reviews.
At Liz in Ink, Liz shares some musings on space and The Aged Sun, a poem by J. Patrick Lewis.
Anastasia Suen says she’s got a jazzy picture book for us today: Cool Daddy Rat.
Jill presents Immersed, her final poem for the “unofficial” Jill Corcoran's Original Poem Poetry Week.
This week, Kelly Fineman gives us a Poetry Friday post about Epigrams at Writing and Ruminating. Kelly also has a short original poem entitled Tides for us today.
Poetry Friday: Evening Edition
Kelly Polark has some Eloise Greenfield for us today—as well as a remembrance of a children’s literature course she took in college and the teacher who taught it.
Meredith has some Emily Dickinson for us today at Happy Hearts Mom.
Mary Lee of A Year of Reading says she joining the poetry posters with metaphors -- Billy Collins', hers, and her students'.
Martha Calderaro has thoughts about music today, so she’s linked to lyrics of a David Byrne/Brian Eno song. Martha is curious what Poetry Friday bloggers might be listening to these days for inspiration. She welcomes all to join the conversation at her blog.
At Brand New Ending, Schelle shares a little of her VERY hot summer with us in her original ballade Eucalyptus trees.
Debbie Diesen of Jumping the Candlestick shares an original poem about February—which she claims is NOT her favorite month.
Late Night Edition
Becky at Farm School has midnight snack of poems about (and by) Abraham Lincoln for us.
Stacey from Two Writing Teachers shares an original poem inspired by Collins and Friot at 365 Memories, Poems, and Slices of Life.
Saturday Morning Music
Mike Thomson of Dominant Reality gives us the lyrics of The Trapeze Swinger, a song written by Sam Beam—and a video of the song performed by Beam and the band Iron & Wine.
Elaine - I hope everything is okay in your family. Thank you for hosting the Round-Up. I have Billy Collins' poem DESIGN over at The Drift Record
Thank you for hosting today. My link with some children's astronomy poetry is here: http://www.acrossthepage.net/?p=1634
I'm sorry for your loss.
Elaine - sorry to hear you have a wake to attend. My sympathies to the family.
Thanks for doing the round up! I am featuring Langston Hughes today in celebration of his birthday Feb. 2.
I'm in with an oldie - counting out rhymes.
Hi Elaine. Thank you for hosting even as you tend to your family.
I've gotten a head start on Valentine's Day with William Carlos Williams: A Love Song
Hi there, I've got one this week (I do poetry, but it seems not often enough on Fridays!). It is celebrating Ashley Bryan. http://medinger.wordpress.com/2009/02/06/ashley-bryan/
Thanks, Elaine, for hosting. I'm so sorry to hear of the death in your family.
I have the poem "Jaguar" by Francisco X. Alarcon at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/129837.html
And I have 15 Words or Less poems at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/129693.html
Thanks for hosting. I responded to a couple of original poetry challenges this week. I've got a diminishing rhyme poem called "Lunatic's Lullaby" and a Scrabble-inspired poem inspired "Limerickqxz" at Under the Covers.
Hi, Elaine.
Thanks for hosting this week.
I'll be featuring poems of love and lust every Friday for the month of February.
Elaine, I'm sending condolences and extra thanks for hosting today.
I've got my hand in the candy jar with Rita Dove's "Chocolate" today.
Sending my condolences too. I'm sorry.
I'm sharing Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost
Elaine - I'm sorry to hear about the loss in your family.
Here is my link:
Naomi Shihab Nye's lovely poem, "Famous."
Thank you for hosting today.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'll be thinking of you.
Today I'm sharing a Paul Laurence Dunbar poem entitled Spring Song.
Thank you for hosting today despite your loss. Diane of The Write Sisters reviews the book Wabi Sabi and shares an original haiku. www.thewritesisters.blogspot.com
Kurious Kitty explores Lincoln poetry. www.kuriouskitty.blogspot.com
Today I'm sharing "Say I Am You," by Rumi.
Thanks for hosting today, Elaine. So sorry to hear of your loss.
Thank you for hosting today. I'm sorry to hear of your family's loss.
I've posted Evening: Zero Weather by Thomas Merton
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
I'm in today with an original poem: Singing Lessons at http://ldkwritetime.blogspot.com
Thanks for the mention in your review of Valentine Hearts.
Hello! This week's poem on the Stenhouse Blog is an original by Lucy Tobin: English Lessons with a Tibetan Refugee Ex-Monk
Thanks for hosting. Sad to hear about your loss.
I'm new to the round-up. Hope I'm follow the rules. No comments last time. Hope some will enjoy Nikki Giovanni's "Quilts" this week.
Hi Elaine, and thanks so much for hosting.
I'm in for the Scrabblepoem challenge at Ink for Lit.
I'm sorry for your loss, Elaine. Thank you for contributing on this difficult day.
I have an original poem from the collection we are writing for a resort in Cancun: Garden.
And over at readertotz we have another original poem: Playful.
Thanks again, Elaine!
Thank you for hosting today. Sorry to hear you have a wake to attend. Peace to you and your family. Here is my contribution:
Hi Elaine,
It's very admirable that you're still hosting Poetry Friday today, all things considered.
I'm in with a poem by Italian-Canadian poet, Domenico Capilongo.
Thank you for hosting, Elaine. My thoughts go out to you and your family during this difficult time.
I've posted a list of more children's poetry to come in 09 and a poem-slide show on what's poetry.
My condolences to you and your family.
Today I've got pterrifying pterosaurs in a poem at the Florian Cafe. Thanks for hosting!
I am so sorry to hear about the loss in your family.
I have two winter poems today, "The Snow Folks" by an unknown author and "The Winter Evening" by William Copwer.
Elaine, many thanks for handling the roundup duties. I'm in with a link to John Updike's "Saying Goodbye to Very Young Children."
Thank you for hosting, Elaine, especially in this circumstance. My sympathies to the family.
I'm in today with another poem about music. This one is by Elizabeth Bishop, a 20th Century, New England-born writer.
Elaine, I'm very sorry to hear of the loss in your family. Our sympathies to you.
Thank you for your generosity in hosting, amidst such a thing.
My link this week is here.
Elaine - Thanks for hosting ... I'm so sorry for your loss.
I have SICK KID over at Notes from New England. Inspired by, uh ... my sick kid.
Forgive me if it's horrible ... been up half the night, and have no judgement left right now ...
I have a lovely little poem by Sara Teasdale and a Vincent van Gogh painting. Thanks so much for hosting this week.
Thanks, Elaine for hosting. So sorry for your loss.
I have an untitled poem by Izumi Shikibu from THE INK DARK MOON
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Thanks for hosting this week.
I posted The Picture-Show over at Bildungsroman.
Thanks for hosting, Elaine. My contribution this week is Adding it Up by Phillip Booth.
Best wishes to you and your family. I have an AI Sonnet
Elaine - Thanks for hosting. This week I reviewed a poetry book for kids over at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks for hosting, Elaine.
Been thinking a lot about possibilities this week bringing Emily Dickinson to mind.
At http://crazy4kidsbooks.blogspot.com
Thanks for hosting! I am featuring the book The Negro Speaks of Rivers, with a poem by Langston Hughes.
I'm in with a review of Jazz ABZ by Wynton Marsalis.
Thanks for hosting.
My sympathies, Elaine...
My post today is musings on space and a poem by J. Patrick Lewis.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
I have a jazzy picture book today: Cool Daddy Rat
Thanks for hosting, Elaine.
I held The Unofficial Jill Corcoran Original Poem Poetry Week on my blog.
Jill Corcoran's Original Poem Poetry Week
Thanks for hosting, Elaine - I'm in with an original poem entitled "Tides."
Thank you for hosting today, Elaine. I have Eloise Greenfield at http://www.kpolark.blogspot.com.
Thanks for hosting today, you've got quite a round-up!! Here's mine: http://happyheartsmom.typepad.com/sweetness_and_light/2009/02/poetry-friday-emily-dickinson.html
Emily Dickinson!!
I'm in with metaphors -- Billy Collins', mine, and my students'.
Thank you for hosting. My thoughts are on music today, so I've linked to lyrics of a David Byrne/Brian Eno song. I'm curious what Poetry Friday bloggers might be listening to these days for inspiration? Please join the conversation at:
Thank you for hosting and you have my sympathy as well. I have an original ballade about Eucalyptus trees - perhaps it will share a little of our VERY hot summer with you!
Thanks for hosting. I am sorry for your loss.
This week, I have an original poem about February (not my favorite month).
Hi Elaine - I should have left you the link to my LiveJournal blog, since that's my actual real blog. I just now updated the blogger blog with today's post, which is an original poem. The link for blogger is http://kellyrfineman.blogspot.com/2009/02/tides-original-poem-for-poetry-friday.html
and the one for LiveJournal (not that you need both) is http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com/379806.html
So sorry to hear the news, Elaine.
Thanks for rounding up, and I love the theme! I'm in with a midnight snack of poems about (and by) Abraham Lincoln.
Thanks for hosting Elaine! My poem, an original, inspired by Collins and Friot, can be found at http://365in2009.wordpress.com/2009/02/06/trying-some-poetry-day-249-in-the-aspiring-poets-journal/
I can't believe I was so late to the party when you were hosting, Elaine.
Thanks for hosting.
I have Sam Beam of Iron & Wine this week.
Condolences to you and your family, Elaine. I hope the wake was a celebration of life.
Nice week!
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Thanks Elaine. I'm here well after you've posted the roundup, but glad for all these useful links and information. I also established a link here myself, to a blog entry about my use of some Emily Dickinson in a second grade classroom (I was a parent/guest reader). Click my url/name to see the report, and my original poem that I read to the students after our Q&A.
Keep poetry alive and vital!
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